Dr. Michael B. EK
Dr. C. Roberto Mechoso
Research Expertise: Expert on climate simulation by general circulation models of the coupled atmosphere-ocean system. He chairs VOCALS, an international research program sponsored by WCRP/CLIVAR, which has focused on the climate system of the eastern tropical Pacific. He is also co-chair of a US CLIVAR group that aims to better understand the coupled atmosphere-ocean dynamics in the eastern part of the tropical oceans. Mechoso has worked extensively on the South American monsoon.
Dr. Jim Kinter
Research Expertise: Climate predictability, El Niño, the extratropical climate, general circulation models of the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and land surface
Dr. Shunlin Liang
Research Expertise: Remote sensing of land surface variables, surface energy balance, impacts of afforestation in China.
Dr. Rongqian Yang
Mr. Larry Marx
Research Expertise: Climate modeling, codes and porting